How to Work with Us
There are a number of ways for our stakeholder community to engage with us.
Review your Web Listing
Is your business listing on the Cranbrook Tourism Website complete and up to date? Do you have changes or suggestions for improvement? Email us.
In 2024 we had 184, 993 unique visits to our website from people looking for information on events, takeout menus and ideas on what to do in Cranbrook. Be found! Ensure we are telling the best story about what you have to offer.
Submit Your Events
We are the events calendar for Cranbrook. Make sure everyone knows your event is happening. We see spikes to our website traffic as big events get closer and people search for the details. Don't let your event get lost. Submit your events to the calendar here. We have also made a printer friendly version of the calendar if you want to print to post at your business. Looking for additional resources for event organizers? See our Events Support area.
Purchase Premium Advertising
Purchase advertising in our Visitors Guide. This is a year-round publication that can be found in all the local hotels as well as at many local businesses. We also distribute the guide to more than 70 Visitors Centres throughout BC and Alberta, at the Canadian Rockies International Airport and to neighboring communities (Fernie, Kimberley, Invermere).
We also have a small number of ads available on trail map reprints. Email us to learn more.
Order Visitors Guides and Trail Maps
Does your business have a lot of visitor traffic? Do you attend events outside of Cranbrook representing the community? Do you get questions about what there is to do and where to stay in Cranbrook? Order some of our guides or maps by emailing us.
Rack your brochure at the Cranbrook Visitor Centre
The Visitor Centre is the first point of contact for many newcomers to our community. Have your business be top of mind with your promotional material front and centre.
email the Visitor Centre Manager to inquire.
Host Our Team
What better way than for our team of Visitor Experience Ambassadors to understand your business, than to host them at your establishment?
By offering an inside look of your business our visitor experience counselors will have a better understanding of your business and your offering. This will help them relay their experience to visitors.
Take Part in Training Programs
Several times a year we offer FREE training opportunities. Previous topics have included: customer service, content marketing, local knowledge. Future topics will include: social media, ambassador knowledge, and working with media. The best way to stay up to date with these opportunities is to subscribe to our monthly Stakeholder Updates.
Participate: Media Relations Program
Does your business or attraction have a great story? We are always looking for unique story ideas to pitch to the media. Help us raise the profile of your attraction, business or initiative and raise the community profile by getting your story published in the press. Don't have a story idea but still want to get involved? Become a preferred hosting partner. When the media come to visit we recommend the best places to stay, eat and shop. Let's get you on the itinerary. Email us to find out more.
Use our Resources to Enhance your own Website or Social Media
Embed a video from our YouTube channel into your own website. Share posts about upcoming events or things to do from our Facebook page to yours. Link to our blog stories in your newsletters, social media or on your website.
Use our Hashtag, #ExploreCranbrook and Tag us in your Social Media Posts
We love to reshare all the good things going on in and around Cranbrook. By using our hashtag and tagging us you make it easier for us to find.
Become a Guest Contributor to our Blog
Can you write? Do you take good pictures? Are you an expert on a topic of something great to do in and around Cranbrook. Ice fishing, 8 Ways to Spend a Fall Day, Poutine Roundup, 4 Hikes with Huts, Dog-Friendly Cranbrook? The ideas are as endless as your imagination. Pitch your idea to us.
Join our Board of Directors.
Do you have a valuable perspective on the Tourism Industry and a skillset that can help Cranbrook Tourism flourish? Any active member of the Cranbrook and Region Tourism Society can be nominated to the board. Elections take place at the AGM each March. Review the Cranbrook and Region Tourism Society Bylaws.
Quick Links
Submit your event to the Events Calendar
Advertise in the annual Visitors Guide
Apply to join the Tourism Marketing Advisory Council
Subscribe to our monthly Stakeholder Updates