Event Support

Hosting exciting events in and around Cranbrook is an important part of attracting visitors to the area. Cranbrook Tourism aims to support event organizers in drawing record numbers, selling more tickets, contributing to community vibrancy and growing the visitor economy. We have a few ways that we can support your event:

Submit your event to the Cranbrook Tourism events calendar. Not only does this create a web listing where your event can be found, it puts the event on our radar to communicate across other mediums (social media, print in visitors guide, or to other publications with events listings).

Apply to the Tourism Events Program (TEP) for funding support. TEP was created to help events increase the volume of visitors to British Columbia, broaden global recognition of the province, and build our reputation as an internationally renowned destination. By providing supplemental funding for marketing, promotional, advertising, and broadcast activities, TEP helps events gain exposure and have a greater impact on the province.

Apply to Cranbrook Tourism Cooperative Marketing Program for event sponsorship. To be eligible for this funding stream you must be able to demonstrate your event is generating overnight visits/hotel stays in Cranbrook. Funding from this program must be used to broaden the reach and impact of the event through marketing and communications, which may include: broadcasts, promotional materials, social media, advertisements etc. Applications are closed for events taking place in 2024. Applications for events in 2025 will be accepted until December 31, 2024.  Complete the application form here 
A post-event report is required for the complete disbursement of funds.

Invite our Mobile Visitor Centre Team out to your event to greet your visitors, provide detailed community information, reccomendations and give your paticipants a warm welcome to Cranbrook.