Walk for FASD Awareness - Red Shoes Rock

September 9, 2022 Western Financial Place

September is FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) awareness month, and on September 9th at 9:00 AM we will be walking to raise awareness! Join us at the Western Financial Place to take part in bringing attention to the world's most common neuro-developmental disorder. The walk will take us to Rotary Park, where there will be a breakfast provided by ANKORS and draws will take place for various prizes. Be sure to wear red as you take part, whether it be red shoes, clothes, or even dress as a superhero with a red cape or costume! If you are taking part as a company, be sure to wear your logo to let people know who you are in our community. 

This year's FASD awareness month theme is "Building Strengths and Abilities." While plenty of focus is placed on the challenges faced by those who are affected by FASD, this month we are putting the spotlight on their accomplishments! Use the hashtag #FASDMonth2022 to take part in celebrating your own strengths and abilities and help change the conversation surrounding FASD for the better! 

Wear red this September to raise awareness for FASD, and share your look on social media with the hashtage #RedShoesRock. To learn more about FASD and the Red Shoes Rock movement, visit the Red Shoes Rock Website at https://redshoesrock.com/


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