The Real Inspector Hound & The Man in the Bowler Hat

February 21, 2025 - March 8, 2025 Studio Stage Door

2 One Act Plays - one evening of wild entertainment! Cranbrook Community Theatre audiences can expect mystery, witty dialogue, surprises, excitement and unexpected endings at the Studio Stage door downtown Cranbrook. Both plays are “a play within a play” and feature characters who become involved in the action and blur the lines between reality and fiction. The “Real Inspector Hound”, written by Tom Stoppard, follows the story of two theatre critics as they attend a murder mystery play in London. As the play unfolds, the critics get entangled within the play they are reviewing. The characters portray exaggerated stereotypes, engage in absurd situations, and are baffled by mistaken identities. The second offering of the evening is “The Man in the Bowler Hat” written by A.A. Milne (of Winnie the Pooh fame). This play tells the tale of a terribly exciting event that upends the otherwise humdrum life of John and Mary turning their day into a whirlwind of intrigue, melodramatic action and humorous situations.

Showtime is 7:30PM except for 2PM Matinees on Feb.23 & Mar.2 Tickets $25

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