46th Annual All Breed Championship Dog Show
August 23, 2019 - August 25, 2019 | In Town |
FREE ADMISSION for spectators!
4 Conformation Shows, Baby Puppy Classes, Juvenile, and Veteran Sweepstakes, Agility Demonstration, Raffle Table, & snacks!
The show will start with conformation around 8:00 am and run till 4-5:00 pm each day.
Group judging on Saturday and Sunday is held in the pm and Best in Show, Best Puppy in Show is awarded at the end of each day.
Puppy sweepstakes are tentatively scheduled for Friday following Best in Show. Junior handling featuring PeeWee through Senior will likely be Saturday at noon.
**Please note no “unentered” dogs are permitted on the show grounds.**
So please leave your pets at home! This is a general rule for all dog shows and placed by our governing body CKC. (Canadian Kennel Club)