2020 'Peak' Music Festival - MASKerade at Moir

September 5, 2020 - September 26, 2020

Fisher Peak Performing Artists Society is extremely excited to bring LIVE MUSIC back to Cranbrook with the ‘Peak’ Music Festival scheduled for Moir Park on four Saturdays in September, courtesy of the Government of Canada Department of Canadian Heritage with support from the Key City Theatre and the City of Cranbrook. Put on your coolest mask for the “MASKerade at Moir,” a theme intended as a fun way to embrace face coverings in these pandemic times. Attendees can come in costume as well, as befits a festival and “masquerade.” Each Saturday features two live music acts and two showtimes, 2pm & 5pm. There are only 50 free e-tickets for each show, available through pre-registration online at the Key City Theatre (www.keycitytheatre.com). The ticket is good for one show only. Upon arrival at the site, attendees will be issued a wrist band, which must be worn throughout the show. The festival has been arranged in accordance with all pandemic safety measures mandated by the City of Cranbrook. 


Peak Music Festival

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